Participation in these sessions is voluntary and carries inherent risks. Each participant is responsible for their own well-being. Listen to your body—if something causes discomfort, slow down, ground yourself, and focus on what supports you. Acknowledge your abilities and seek help if needed. Candice Sinai is not liable for any injury sustained during the sessions.
- I acknowledge that Regenerative Somatics involves mindful physical movements and attentive self-awareness.
- I have arranged a comfortable space where I can lie down for extended periods and have clear access to my computer or device.
- I commit to maintaining the confidentiality of group discussions and ensure that others in my environment do not disturb the session.
- If my physical abilities are limited in any way, I can and will monitor and adjust my movements to ensure I stay within safe parameters.
- I understand that engaging in Regenerative Somatics might evoke emotional responses, and I am prepared to practice being mindfully present to whatever arises.
- I am prepared to take full responsibility for my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being during and after each online session.
- I will listen to my body and being, and honor my personal limits throughout the online activity..
- I am prepared to approach each session with openness, curiosity, and a commitment to engage with what arises in each class with the intention to enjoy, heal, and learn from the experience.